Punta Cana – Travel during the pandemic

After a year of restrictions, we were pretty much fed up, as is probably the case with so many in the Covid-19 pandemic. For weeks the thermometer has only shown minus degrees. Frustrated that we weren’t even allowed to spend Christmas with our families because of the entry restrictions, plus we were completely overworked, our mood sank to zero at the beginning of February 😔 Our decision was made: We need a break !!!

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Punta Cana – our very first vacation together

13 years have passed in the meantime. Oh man, I was so excited … just a couple of weeks together and Sven wanted to go on a long-distance trip with me. I couldn’t believe my luck. Since there was hardly any time for planning and we really only wanted to enjoy a relaxed love holiday, we inquired at the travel agency and the holiday was already booked 😊

Just thinking about it makes me smile today. At that time, of course, I had absolutely no experience with travel planning, perfect travel times, visas or vaccinations. But what are travel agencies for 😉

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